336. Creativity.336. Creatività.
336. Creativity.
Creativity. s. f. [der. creative]. – Virtue creative ability to create with our minds with fantasy. In psychology, the term is taken to mean a process of intellectual dynamics which characterize factors such as: special sensitivity to the problems, the ability to produce ideas, originality in designing, synthesis and analysis, the ability to define and structure so their new experiences and knowledge.
The question I am asked most frequently is: “Roberto, where do you get the inspiration… where does your creativity coming from…?”
Creativity beyond the dictionary definition is a complex process made up of ideas, experiences, feelings and moods.
I am a big proponent of creativity positive, or the creativity that leads to happiness, that can make us happy that inspires in us the Joie de Vivre!
Being creative is both simple and complex, when I look at my grandchildren draw me realize that creativity is innate within us … we are all born with our creativity. Then, growing up, often stifle our natural creativity, We comply to the world around us and we are often victims of that creative minimalist, non-positive, no forms and no colour…
My source of inspiration is the created… nature… this wonderful world in which we were born, filled with colours, shapes, joy!
To be continued…
336. Creatività.
Creatività s. f. [der. di creativo]. – Virtù creativa, capacità di creare con l’intelletto, con la fantasia. In psicologia, il termine è stato assunto a indicare un processo di dinamica intellettuale che ha come fattori caratterizzanti: particolare sensibilità ai problemi, capacità di produrre idee, originalità nell’ideare, capacità di sintesi e di analisi, capacità di definire e strutturare in modo nuovo le proprie esperienze e conoscenze.
La domanda che mi viene posta più di frequente è: “Roberto, dove prendi l’ispirazione… da dove nasce la tua creatività…?”
La creatività al di là della definizione del dizionario è un processo complesso composto da idee, esperienze, sensazioni e stati d’animo.
Io sono un grande fautore della creatività positiva, ovvero quella creatività che induce felicità, che riesce a renderci felici che ispira in noi la Joie de Vivre!
Essere creativi è al tempo stesso semplice e complesso, quando guardo i miei nipotini disegnare mi rendo conto che la creatività è innata dentro di noi… nasciamo tutti con la nostra vena creativa.
Poi, crescendo, spesso soffochiamo la nostra naturale creatività, ci uniformiamo al mondo che ci circonda e spesso siamo vittime di quella creatività minimalista, non positiva, senza forme e senza colori…
La mia fonte di ispirazione è il creato… la natura… questo meraviglioso mondo in cui siamo nati, pieno di colori, forme, gioia!
A very long experience with all sorts of creators and scientists, together with exhaustive reding, tells me that creativity is, of course, innate, BUT it needs a certain type of life experiences to shape up the particular type of creativity an artist/scientist develops. A creator, for example, needs to be born (grow up) at a time that allows his particular talent to develop fully. If a 21st century child/adolescent with talent to be an outstanding poet/painter is only exposed to 19th century poetry/painting, he will not become a 21st century poet/painter until he nourishes himself with the poetry/painting of his time.
Correction of an erratum: I meant to write READING.
Complementary of my first comment is that Bertrand Russell said that there was a common denominator to most creators/scientists: almost all (if not all) have had a specially traumatic experience (experiences) that has been the engine that has “geared” their particular talent. A creator/scientist is always a very sensitive human being that captures what the rest of us do not see or feel, to use as the materiald necessary to give shape to what he has inside of his psyque/brain.
Correction of another erratum: I meant to write PSYCHE, obviously.
And last but, of course, not least: dresses, shawls and sandals are all absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!